a totally FREE weekly offer for children aged 6-12 during the summer holidays...

Love this?
Make it official!
Join the CIA for six,twelve or eighteen months and receive monthly creative missions through the post from all the CIA agents!


Every Monday between 26th July to 30th August, Agents Kahlo and Dali will disclose their coded location. They could be anywhere in the world.

Use the code to work out our secret location!

Every Wednesday, Agents Kahlo and Dali will reveal an exciting artwork they've discovered in that secret location, and invite agents to create art inspired from the artwork they've found.

You have until midnight on Saturday to email a picture of your artwork to the Agents who will feature it on a special gallery right here.

Here at the Company of International Artists we work with code names only, so if you want to play, start thinking about your Agent name now...

Creative Agents'Gallery

Please delight in the amazing creative skills of agents who cracked the International Art Challenge code in the Summer of 2021!


We don't believe in turning creativity into a competition, but we would love you to spread the word so even more creative agents can join in the fun. 

Follow us on social media (links below) and look out for our giveaway posts.

Tag friends who have potential creative agents aged 6-12 and we'll select a tagged person at random to receive a free art postcard and personalised creative challenge from Agents Kahlo and Dali.

Quick! Follow the makers of this challenge, Brave Bold Drama, so you don't miss any vital intel!